Tuesday, April 29, 2008


We have a couple of blackbirds in our garden, and in the past month they made a nest, the eggs hatched and now the 4 youngsters are out of the nest and are hopping around (well, mostly they are hiding) in the garden.
They are still being fed untill they can fly properly, which should be anytime this week I guess...
But I hope they'll still still visit us sometimes, because we kinda consider them as our pets :-)




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Pedestrian bridge in Maastricht.
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Lightpainting by Jojo
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Coca Cola

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Detail of the interior of a friend's apartment.
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Since I usually don't find the time to write something on this blog, I will just start using the "blog this" button in Picasa and just upload a picture now and then. Comments are still appreciated (not that anyone actually checks this blog, but hey, you never know...)


If I go for a beer in the weekend, it's almost always in Café Café, and we usually drink Vedett...
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